Meet Roger J. Skraba

Hello. I’m Roger J. Skraba, and I’m running for the office of Minnesota State Representative District 3A, which includes all or parts of Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, and Cook counties.

I’m running for State Office because our current representative supports issues I believe most district residents do not support. One of those issues is that he voted to allow illegal immigrants to get a driver’s license! Is this something that you would support?If you are here illegally, why should you be rewarded with a legal license?

Minnesota families have to pay and abide by the laws to receive their license; that is the standard, and everyone should follow it. I have outlined some of the issues I will support and will help prioritize when elected.

I’m currently the Mayor of Ely, having previously served three terms as Mayor and three terms as a City Councilor. I was born and raised in Ely, Minnesota, and graduated from Ely Memorial High School before attending and graduating from North Dakota State University with a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management with a minor in Political Science.

Before my public service, I served nine years in the U.S. Army. Growing up on the range kindled a passion for the out-of-doors that led me to become a wilderness canoe fishing guide, and I work as a carpenter when not guiding.

I’m currently the Chairperson of the St. Louis County Planning Commission and Vice-chair of the Board of Adjustment. In addition to being the Current trail administrator for the DNR Grant in aid Tomahawk Snowmobile Trail and Ely to Lake Vermilion lake snowmobile trails, I’m the current President of Club Mesabi, promoting the Mesabi Bike Trail.

I’m an active Member of the Ely Honor Guard and St. Anthony’s Catholic Church as an usher.

My experiences have trained me to be a more rounded leader, able to represent and understand both sides of an issue, and that is what we need in St. Paul now!

Please support me and my campaign to finally seat a Republican in the House of Representatives from District 3A! I will work diligently to earn your trust and your vote to represent you in St. Paul.

Roger J. Skraba
Mayor Roger J. Skraba
Roger J. Skraba with his dog Skyea

Fighting for Northeast Minnesota

For too long, Minnesota politicians have been more interested in their political ambitions than doing what is right for the hard-working people of our district and our state. Roger J. Skraba has decided to take a different approach. Since taking office in Ely, Roger has been a strong voice for Minnesota’s middle class. As a US Army Veteran, and small business owner who was born and raised on the Iron Range, Roger knows what it takes to achieve solutions to tough problems.

Critical Race Theory is a concept that should not be taught to young children and really has no place in our public education system. In my opinion it only fosters racism and that should never be allowed, let alone taught in our education system.
Our education system is broken. Where exactly I don’t know, I just know it is failing our children. I believe we should allow the education money the State allocates per student to follow the student, not the institution. If the institution does a good job the money will follow it. The education system needs to be reformed. There are plenty of successful schools that should be studied and emulated. Our education system should be world class and we’re not.
Social media was a great concept when it came out. Unfortunately it took a huge left turn. It started slowly but after President Trump was elected, censorship on social media became the norm. The first amendment protects individuals from government censorship but social media platforms are private companies and can censor what people post on their websites as they see fit. The owners of these companies are left leaning. Conservatives can reject these businesses and create their own platforms and enjoy their free speech without someone saying it is false. The left won the first battle but with conservatives seeing how falsely they operate their businesses they will not win the war.
We know for a fact that our personal data is manipulated daily if you are on any social media site or use the internet. Since we spend too much of our time on social media we get bombarded with ads for things we like, even though we don’t know we like them…since the Obama campaign we have been using this data to sway the vote. Socialists, liberals and conservatives all use the data. It is going to be difficult to determine how elections should be managed using this data. My personal opinion is to teach people to make up their own minds and only use sources they trust. Or even better, come to meet and greets, candidate rallies to hear for yourself what we have to say and engage us when we come door knocking…
The cost to produce gas and food can be directly correlated to the folks who believe climate change is the number one issue. They want to curtail all fossil fuels immediately. Creating rising fuel costs and if that doesn’t work then they will raise the gas tax to make people change their ways. When fuel prices rise transportation costs rise. Food prices rise. There are better solutions to climate change than forcing society to believe in your cause by punishing everyday ordinary citizens. I will not let these false narratives rule the conversations we have in the Capitol.

Farmers are the backbone of society. We need to ensure that they have the tools and policy to feed our state, nation and the world. I will work with others who believe that the family farm is worth saving.

Once elected I will be voting to make Minnesota a constitutional carry state. I will also vote for stand your ground legislation along with Castle doctrine legislation. It is time we the people support and defend the second amendment as it was written.

I believe we need to reinforce the law that deals with mentally challenged people and they should not be allowed to possess and/or purchase guns. I will work to protect all 2nd amendment rights. I also believe if we taught gun safety to all citizens they would have a better understanding of those who want to buy and possess weapons. Guns in the hands of people who know how to use them are safer than in the hands who don’t know how to use them…

One of the reasons I’m running for the Minnesota House of Representatives is the current representative voted to allow illegal immigrants the ability to get a Minnesota drivers license. This is wrong on so many levels…an illegal immigrant is illegal. By giving them a state issued drivers license are you making them legal?

I support legal immigration. I support the J-1 exchange visitor visa program to help businesses with a supply of legal foreign workers. The students or international visitor gets to see our culture and we get to enjoy their culture all while working here legally. In today’s shortage of employees the J-1 program helps rural businesses that would have had to scale back their hours of operation. It is a win win program.

I support all mining in Minnesota. The mining companies who are doing business here and who want to do business here have to meet or exceed the standards set by the State and Federal governments.

The current administration has not supported non-ferrous mining and continually does nothing. Not one pro-non-ferrous mining bill has passed in the past two years.

We have been blessed with an abundance of minerals and we will extract them safely, in an environmentally friendly manner and the world will benefit from them.

Our workers will supply minerals so other industries can set up shop throughout Minnesota. Together we will make the world a better place and with new and innovative ideas perhaps we can use these minerals to become space explorers…

I believe that life begins at conception and ends with natural death. I would like to see the government get out of the abortion business.

I will support legislation that helps pregnant women carry to full term. We as a society owe it to the unborn to solve the abortion for birth control issue.

I in no way want to make decisions for women. They know what’s best for them. I want to create a solution to the abortion decision.

I am willing to work with others, so abortion would be the decision of last resort.

I will support term limits. There needs to be a discussion on what they will be but I do know I cannot support anyone having more than ten two year terms. Anything beyond that I question the persons ability to be fair. I have been elected Mayor of Ely four times for two year terms. I couldn’t imagine any more than 10 times, perhaps less. There are other people who want to serve and I believe there should not be a monopoly on an elected seat in government. No matter how popular that person is. At some point lobbyists start to count on that persons ability to pass legislation and then do we really have representative government?
I will support laws that allow a State Identification for voting, that ban drop boxes that are not watched or guarded, that ban ballot harvesting of ballots that are not relatives and that ban illegal immigrants from voting. I would make all new election integrity laws felonies if people violate them. I would also pursue the cleaning up of voter rolls. I will also make it easier for people to vote.

Perhaps we need a voter holiday. Or maybe have multiple days to vote. Right now many of the people who vote in my district have mail in ballots. They started voting on June 23. Polls close on August 9. It has been interesting trying to campaign around who has ballots and who will vote just on August 9 for the primary. The same holds true for the general election. Ballots will be mailed on September 23 and the election is on November 8. We need discussions on all of this…

The current DFL-controlled House is totally out of touch with what we in Northern Minnesota expect from our government. We need to take control.

This overview video outlines my positions and priorities as I prepare to serve you in the Capital.

Support my campaign to finally seat a Republican in the House of Representatives from District 3A!

Skraba for House – Radio Spots

Fighting for Northeast Minnesota

For too long, Minnesota politicians have been more interested in their political ambitions than doing what is right for the hard-working people of our district and our state. Roger J. Skraba has decided to take a different approach. Since taking office in Ely, Roger has been a strong voice for Minnesota’s middle class. As a US Army Veteran, and small business owner who was born and raised on the Iron Range, Roger knows what it takes to achieve solutions to tough problems.

Critical Race Theory is a concept that should not be taught to young children and really has no place in our public education system. In my opinion it only fosters racism and that should never be allowed, let alone taught in our education system.
Our education system is broken. Where exactly I don’t know, I just know it is failing our children. I believe we should allow the education money the State allocates per student to follow the student, not the institution. If the institution does a good job the money will follow it. The education system needs to be reformed. There are plenty of successful schools that should be studied and emulated. Our education system should be world class and we’re not.

Social media was a great concept when it came out. Unfortunately it took a huge left turn. It started slowly but after President Trump was elected, censorship on social media became the norm. The first amendment protects individuals from government censorship but social media platforms are private companies and can censor what people post on their websites as they see fit. The owners of these companies are left leaning. Conservatives can reject these businesses and create their own platforms and enjoy their free speech without someone saying it is false. The left won the first battle but with conservatives seeing how falsely they operate their businesses they will not win the war.

We know for a fact that our personal data is manipulated daily if you are on any social media site or use the internet. Since we spend too much of our time on social media we get bombarded with ads for things we like, even though we don’t know we like them…since the Obama campaign we have been using this data to sway the vote. Socialists, liberals and conservatives all use the data. It is going to be difficult to determine how elections should be managed using this data. My personal opinion is to teach people to make up their own minds and only use sources they trust. Or even better, come to meet and greets, candidate rallies to hear for yourself what we have to say and engage us when we come door knocking…
The cost to produce gas and food can be directly correlated to the folks who believe climate change is the number one issue. They want to curtail all fossil fuels immediately. Creating rising fuel costs and if that doesn’t work then they will raise the gas tax to make people change their ways. When fuel prices rise transportation costs rise. Food prices rise. There are better solutions to climate change than forcing society to believe in your cause by punishing everyday ordinary citizens. I will not let these false narratives rule the conversations we have in the Capitol.

Farmers are the backbone of society. We need to ensure that they have the tools and policy to feed our state, nation and the world. I will work with others who believe that the family farm is worth saving.

Once elected I will be voting to make Minnesota a constitutional carry state. I will also vote for stand your ground legislation along with Castle doctrine legislation. It is time we the people support and defend the second amendment as it was written.

I believe we need to reinforce the law that deals with mentally challenged people and they should not be allowed to possess and/or purchase guns. I will work to protect all 2nd amendment rights. I also believe if we taught gun safety to all citizens they would have a better understanding of those who want to buy and possess weapons. Guns in the hands of people who know how to use them are safer than in the hands who don’t know how to use them…

One of the reasons I’m running for the Minnesota House of Representatives is the current representative voted to allow illegal immigrants the ability to get a Minnesota drivers license. This is wrong on so many levels…an illegal immigrant is illegal. By giving them a state issued drivers license are you making them legal?

I support legal immigration. I support the J-1 exchange visitor visa program to help businesses with a supply of legal foreign workers. The students or international visitor gets to see our culture and we get to enjoy their culture all while working here legally. In today’s shortage of employees the J-1 program helps rural businesses that would have had to scale back their hours of operation. It is a win win program.

I support all mining in Minnesota. The mining companies who are doing business here and who want to do business here have to meet or exceed the standards set by the State and Federal governments.

The current administration has not supported non-ferrous mining and continually does nothing. Not one pro-non-ferrous mining bill has passed in the past two years.

We have been blessed with an abundance of minerals and we will extract them safely, in an environmentally friendly manner and the world will benefit from them.

Our workers will supply minerals so other industries can set up shop throughout Minnesota. Together we will make the world a better place and with new and innovative ideas perhaps we can use these minerals to become space explorers…

I believe that life begins at conception and ends with natural death. I would like to see the government get out of the abortion business.

I will support legislation that helps pregnant women carry to full term. We as a society owe it to the unborn to solve the abortion for birth control issue.

I in no way want to make decisions for women. They know what’s best for them. I want to create a solution to the abortion decision.

I am willing to work with others, so abortion would be the decision of last resort.

I will support term limits. There needs to be a discussion on what they will be but I do know I cannot support anyone having more than ten two year terms. Anything beyond that I question the persons ability to be fair. I have been elected Mayor of Ely four times for two year terms. I couldn’t imagine any more than 10 times, perhaps less. There are other people who want to serve and I believe there should not be a monopoly on an elected seat in government. No matter how popular that person is. At some point lobbyists start to count on that persons ability to pass legislation and then do we really have representative government?
I will support laws that allow a State Identification for voting, that ban drop boxes that are not watched or guarded, that ban ballot harvesting of ballots that are not relatives and that ban illegal immigrants from voting. I would make all new election integrity laws felonies if people violate them. I would also pursue the cleaning up of voter rolls. I will also make it easier for people to vote.

Perhaps we need a voter holiday. Or maybe have multiple days to vote. Right now many of the people who vote in my district have mail in ballots. They started voting on June 23. Polls close on August 9. It has been interesting trying to campaign around who has ballots and who will vote just on August 9 for the primary. The same holds true for the general election. Ballots will be mailed on September 23 and the election is on November 8. We need discussions on all of this…

The current DFL-controlled House is totally out of touch with what we in Northern Minnesota expect from our government. We need to take control.

This overview video outlines my positions and priorities as I prepare to serve you in the Capital.

Support my campaign to finally seat a Republican in the House of Representatives from District 3A!

Skraba for House – Radio Spots

Roger J. Skraba

Hello. I’m Roger J. Skraba, and I’m running for the office of Minnesota State Representative District 3A, which includes all or parts of Koochiching, St. Louis, Lake, and Cook counties.

I’m running for State Office because our current representative supports issues I believe most district residents do not support. One of those issues is that he voted to allow illegal immigrants to get a driver’s license! Is this something that you would support?If you are here illegally, why should you be rewarded with a legal license?

Minnesota families have to pay and abide by the laws to receive their license; that is the standard, and everyone should follow it. I have outlined some of the issues I will support and will help prioritize when elected.

I’m currently the Mayor of Ely, having previously served three terms as Mayor and three terms as a City Councilor. I was born and raised in Ely, Minnesota, and graduated from Ely Memorial High School before attending and graduating from North Dakota State University with a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management with a minor in Political Science.

Before my public service, I served nine years in the U.S. Army. Growing up on the range kindled a passion for the out-of-doors that led me to become a wilderness canoe fishing guide, and I work as a carpenter when not guiding.

I’m currently the Chairperson of the St. Louis County Planning Commission and Vice-chair of the Board of Adjustment. In addition to being the Current trail administrator for the DNR Grant in aid Tomahawk Snowmobile Trail and Ely to Lake Vermilion lake snowmobile trails, I’m the current President of Club Mesabi, promoting the Mesabi Bike Trail.

I’m an active Member of the Ely Honor Guard and St. Anthony’s Catholic Church as an usher.

My experiences have trained me to be a more rounded leader, able to represent and understand both sides of an issue, and that is what we need in St. Paul now!

Please support me and my campaign to finally seat a Republican in the House of Representatives from District 3A! I will work diligently to earn your trust and your vote to represent you in St. Paul.

Roger J. Skraba
Mayor Roger J. Skraba
Roger J. Skraba with his dog Skyea

Join Our Campaign

We need you. Fill out the form below and help us bring common sense back to our House of Representatives!


Contact Roger J. Skraba

If you have a comment or suggestion, please feel free to drop us a line, or contact us in a manner that is most convenient for you.

  • PO Box 152, Ely, MN 55731
  • (651) 296-2190